Class Times

Class Times


Welcome To My Home Page

We are just forming this site.  Please conact us by Phone (480)782-9393.  We will finish this site when time allows.  Martin would rather spend his time teaching so please try this site again.

You can try all three open door classes for a $20 deposit. The deposit gose to pay your tuition if you decide to join.

Open Door Classes


Monday and Wednesday

6 p.m. Pa Kua Chuan

7 p.m. Tai Chi Chuan

8 p.m. Hsing-I Chuan

Welcome To My Home Page

This site can help you find tradition.  Our emphisis is on arts that have stood the test of time.  You can find out more at  We hope to help the community in all are work.  One way we are helping is through our possition as editor on the WuDang Warrior.  For more info go to

Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements

Working on this section so Call for seminar dates.

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Getting Rich Quick From My Site!

Learn real applictions so you can practice Medicine or teach Martial Arts that work.  Or advetise your product or service through the Wu Dang Warrior Publication.

Captions for pictures
Adding captions makes my pictures more interesting.
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